health results of Edge
All the DNA results and health results of BJCH. ASCA mjr pnt Some Kind Of Magic's Push The boundaries RA "Edge" are done. This are the resu
This Friday Edge (BJCH Some Kind Of Magic's Push The Boundaries RE) finished his ASCA Ch title with a 5 pt mjr!!! On sunday he went all...
Edge WD at the LASC thanksgiving event
On Friday Some Kind Of Magic's Push The Boundaries BJCH'17, RA, ASCA mjr pointed "Edge" was Winners dog to a 5 point major and BOW! Edge...
HD ED results of Edge
The HD and ED results of Some Kind Of Magic's Push The Boundaries BJCH'17, RA, ASCA mjr pointend "Edge" has arrived. He has HD A and ED...
LASC jubilee confermation and rally weekend
This weekend it was the jubilee weekend for LASC. I entered Maple (for her first show), Edge and Magic for confermation and Edge also for...
clubshow ASCB
This weekend it was the chamionclubmatch of the ASCB. BJCH Some Kind Of Magic's Push The Boundaries 1 exl in open class Prepare For The...
Story has delivered her puppy's
On sunday April 29 Story gave birth to 10 pretty puppy's, 4 blue merle boys, 1 red merle boy, 1 black tri boy, 2 blue merle girls, 1 red...
Edge has earned his Rally Novice titel
This weekend we where at the LASC with Edge for conformation and rally. In conformation he was 2nd in a big open black class. In rally he...
Story is pregnant
Story her pregnancy is confirmed. Puppy's will be expected around 29 april 2018. Waitinglist for a puppy from this litter is full.
Winners Dog at the Lowelands ASC!!!!!
This weekend BJCH. Some Kind Of Magic's Push The Boundaries "Edge" was entered for 3 days in Belgium Bred. All 3 days he was 1st in his...